Hello, my lovely readers 🙂 I hope that your week started out as well as ours did – lots of sunshine and lovely weather.
I was reminiscing about last Easter weekend – I was roughly 2 months away from delivering Joe and in the thick of my antenatal classes. I remember that my fellow classmates decided to cancel the Good Friday class session. Not for religious reasons, of course, but so that they could get the most out of the Easter holiday and travel. Very contrary to my American desire to just get stuff done and over with.
This Easter weekend was spent in less educational pursuits and much more comfortably. On Friday, Joe and I took a walk to the park. We had intended to go to the grocery, but alas, it was closed, along with many other businesses. I had to work on Saturday for 12 hours, so Joe and Chris were on their own. I was pretty tired when I got home, so I didn’t notice Chris’ ingenious design for keeping Joe trapped maintained. I saw it the following morning and wondered what had been going on in my absence!
Yes, those are chairs along the floor. He figured out pretty quickly how to crawl between the legs, but at least Chris tried!
Sunday was spent going to a different church. Our regular church was not holding a service, so we got the chance to visit Auckland Bible Church. We really enjoyed it.
Easter Monday was another relaxing day. I’d never heard of Easter Monday before moving to NZ. Chris went to work, but Joe and I met up with our friend Alisa. She came to our apartment, and the 3 of us set off to Wynyard Quarter to take in the views and dip our feet into the fountain.
Wearing my Gamecocks shirt, naturally
The rest of Easter Monday was equally low-key. We walked back home, Alisa visited with us for a bit more and then she headed home, too.
Easter Weekend is right in the midst of school holidays. Schools in NZ don’t take the long breaks like they do in the States. The amount of time in session varies by age and level, but generally speaking, primary school students are in class for four 10 week terms with short breaks periodically throughout the year (based on what I’ve been told). Most schools started their holidays on Thursday and will be off for the next 2 weeks. This includes universities, which of course affects us. I think that Chris will enjoy having a bit of a break from teaching, and we’ll enjoy seeing him around a little more!

I am so glad you had a better Easter weekend this year!!! I love the photos of Joe in his adorable onesie testing out the waters. He’s getting so big and of course as cute as ever!!!
My partner and I jumped shipped and headed over to Oz during the Easter weekend. We fortunately had good weather there too. We had a great weekend visiting friends and eating chocolate bilbies (instead of bunnies) as you do in Australia apparently. Still can’t get over Easter being in the fall, however! Almost weirder than Christmas in summer.
I love these photos! It looks like a nice day!
It sounds like a great Easter 🙂 I think it’s great that you live in NZ and still get to attend church Sun morning as would be the same here in the states.
I had to laugh at the setup Chris made for Joe!! Very clever 🙂 I can’t get over how cute he is and loved the pictures of you with him in the fountain!!
Happy Easter
Thanks 🙂 Yes – I had to laugh when I saw it. I think that Chris got a taste of what it’s like trying to keep up with Joe during the day!
Awww! Haha ! He’s definitely “contained”! 😛 Glad you had a good Easter weekend!