Matt, his wife Miller, and their cute little guy Will stopped in to see us the day after Christmas. Matt is one of Chris’ closest friends from childhood, and we were there for their wedding just a month ahead of our own back in November 2004. I’ve gotten to know Miller through her blog, and I’ve loved keeping in touch with what is going on in their lives and reading about their cute little guy, Will.
This was our first time to meet Will and it was their first time to meet Joe. I could kick myself for not getting a picture of Will and Joe together, but I was happy that I’d at least snapped a few photos of Matt, Miller, and Joe…
I’m really glad that we were all able to get together, albeit only for a short while. It was so cute to watch Joe watching Will as he explored. I can’t wait to see what Joe is like when he reaches that stage.
We’re heading back to Indiana tomorrow. We’ll be there for a few more days before boarding the plane and flying back to New Zealand. It’s bittersweet. I hope that it won’t be another 1 1/2+ years before I’m back in the US to see family and friends, but that isn’t entirely in my control. In the meantime, I’ll cherish moments like the one we had today – seeing old (and new!) friends and hanging out with family 🙂
I think that I’ll hold off on posting anything new until we’re safely back in New Zealand. You can expect to hear more from me… next year!