Chris has made a request for more veggie casseroles, as we seem to have been eating a lot of pasta lately. I agree. Unfortunately, he told me this after I’d already planned on making a yummy-looking recipe that I’d heard about via The Farmer and the Southern Belle, so he’ll have to wait just a little bit this week before we get to the green stuff.
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Leftover casserole
Paula Deen’s Broccoli Casserole. Chris loved this the last time I made it. I thought it tasted like broccoli with the special sauce they put on Big Mac’s. But, since he likes it so much, I’ll make it again!
I was unable to take a “before” photo of this the last time because Chris wolfed it down
Breakfast for dinner 🙂
Dinner with friends!
My week is looking to be a good one: I’m working Monday and Tuesday, and then I have 9 days off, which just happens to coincide with Chris’ mid-semester break. I’ve got plans to finally get my hair done {nothing’s been done to it for 4 months}, to see friends, and to explore a bit more of the area. I’m also really looking forward to being able to spend some more time with Chris. I hope that you all have a fun week planned, too 🙂 See ya!

I’ve only made it once before, so I’m not sure how well it would do in the freezer. It has mayo in it. Can you freeze mayo?
The broccoli casserole sounds great – have you ever frozen it? Enjoy your days off!
Yay for dinner with friends. Enjoy your time off…it may actually be sunny!
Ooh, Monday’s dinner looks delicious!!! 🙂
Thanks for the recipe suggestion!
I’ve looked into Locks of Love and my sisters have donated to it before, but they don’t have anything like that over here in New Zealand 🙁
I am in such dire need of getting my hair done!! But now I think I want to grow it long enough for locks of love, so we’ll see.
And that Southwest Pasta Bake looks yummy! And kind of like this Chicken Taco Pasta dish I’ve made before –
Oh, enjoy the days off! Can’t wait to see what you discover when you explore the area.