So, Chris and I are out here in New England for Thanksgiving. Our families are pretty spread out (his is about 16.5 hours south of us, mine is 14.5 hours to the west). I’m working Friday night shift (which means coming in at 11:45pm on Thanksgiving to work 12mn – 8am Friday), so visiting the fam wasn’t really an option. We are going to have dessert at a friend’s house, so that’s something to look forward to 🙂
Tonight, my mom sent me some photos of some of the stuff they’ve been doing as the relatives have started arriving. Here is a photo of my younger sister, Valerie, with my niece Ella.
I recognize that black jacket!
And here is a photo of Ella with my gramma and her husband, Case (short for Cornelius… what can I say, it’s a Dutch thing)
And last but not least, here’s a photo of my mom with my gramma (her mom) and Case…
Wish I could be with you guys tomorrow! Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!!

It’s so hard living away from family, isn’t it? We currently live in LA but my family is in CA and my husband’s is in NC. We try to travel for holidays but it gets to be too much. This year we decided to stay home for Thanksgiving and while it was nice to spend it with friends, it just wasn’t the same as being with our family. The good news is we will be with family for Christmas 🙂
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving even though you had to work.
Awe, I remember having to work on Thanksgiving. I hated it. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.