The following conversation took place between me and Chris this morning:
Me: “I feel kinda sick this morning”
Chris: “So don’t go to work”
Me: “Chris! I’m not going to just not go to work just because I feel a little sick!”
Chris: “OK. So go to work”
And in the face of that brilliant logic, I’m off to work :-/

men are very logical 🙂
I’m impressed with your level of commitment…I think I’m too susceptible to the power of suggestion, I probably would have just called in 🙂
Oh… my response is probably a tad worse… I always say:
I dont want to use my sick days for actually being SICK!!!
It’s always better to put on the face that you tried to make it at work when you were feeling bad…then if you go home, at least you’ve been a trooper. Hope you’re feeling better…I feel like I need to wear a mask, everyone here has the pukey flu and I hate that and I have big plans coming up, no time to be sick!
Hope you feel better!
lol..I would have called off! 🙂
Awe,sounds like conversations I have with Mr. Guru except it is more like him telling me to suck it up! Hope you feel better!