I’ve decided that for however long we’re in New Zealand – whether that is 5 years or 50 years – we are staying put. No more moving, no more packing, no more unpacking – this is it.
The thing about moving to another country is that you can’t just unpack and throw away the boxes. You have to request that the boxes be picked up and incinerated. This is so that any hitchhiking seeds that might have snuck their way into the boxes don’t end up in foreign soil. I didn’t want to be stuck in a maze of packing material, so I unpacked as quickly as possible while the movers were still bringing things inside. I got close to half of the unpacking done, then unpacked a little more while they were setting up furniture. I’d say that right now, we only have about 1/4 of our boxes and packing material still left, which takes up more than enough space as you can see from the photo above!
Most things came through unscathed, but not everything survived the trip…
This is what we refer to as a “compound fracture” in the nursing world!
I’ve never put these figurines on display – they’re a little dated for that – but they have sentimental value. My mom bought the complete set of “Growing Up Girls” {baby – 16 years old} when I was born and gave me one on each birthday. Did anyone else’s mom do that? They’ve moved all over the place, but when I unpacked the box I could hear the clinking and tinkling. I just knew they were broken, and I was right. Of the 17 figurines, 9 were damaged, 1 of which is beyond repair. I was so sad.
This is a wine-stand/glasses rack that we’ve had for years. I’ve never been crazy about it, so seeing the piece of wood missing wasn’t as big of a deal. I was more annoyed than anything else. This part faces the wall, so it’s not too noticeable. The next one was a bit more painful…
These are photos of Chris’ late grandmother’s cedar chest, and yes, those are chunks of wood that are missing. I’m trying to tell myself that it adds “character” and is just part of the story of our furniture – something that later on, I can point to and say, “You see that? That’s from when we moved to New Zealand.” Sigh.
And last but not least, my antique cake-saver…
The handle on top was broken off, and you can see that some of the enamel paint is flaking. I was able to re-attach the handle, but it’s definitely worse for the wear.
And you know how they say that when it rains, it pours? Turns out that right in the midst of all of this, our washing machine went berserk. You may have seen me post about it on Twitter. I ran a load of linens {because having them in storage on a ship for 3 months makes them smell a little funky}, and somehow the drain-pipe came unattached. I walked out of the study to find water soaking into the carpet and running down into the kitchen, with water literally pouring out of the hose. Ai yi yi! I did some reverse engineering that involved me getting sprayed in the face at one point, and finally figured it out.
Then, our new sofa-bed broke. This actually happened last Saturday, but it took a while to get everything squared away. After a few phone calls, the furniture store decided that rather than doing a repair they would just replace the sofa. Yay! Of course, the removal and delivery day was the morning after all of our goods were moved in, so there I was, surrounded by boxes and laundry, when 2 delivery guys show up. They were different from the ones who’d first delivered our furniture {the last guys probably quit after they had to deliver our stuff}, so they were in for a shock when they found out that they had to carry the sleeper sofa up 6 flights of stairs… and then carry the damaged one back down. I kept apologizing, but really, there’s nothing that we could do about it.
Despite the damage, there are many bright sides: (1) our home has that laundry-fresh scent thanks to the overflowing washing machine, (2) the movers were polite and cheerful, (3) they had no trouble finding parking, (4) they did a great job moving things in and getting them set up, (5) I have another new sofa, (6) we have moving insurance which should cover the damaged items, and (7) all of our electronics survived, namely the flat-screen TV. Our TV has dual voltage or input or whatever you call it, so we’re able to use it in New Zealand. The Wii, PS3, and DVD players made it through as well. Chris can breathe a big sigh of relief 🙂
I’m looking forward to getting the rest of the boxes out of the way and doing a bit more cleaning and organizing. Oh, and there’s something else I’m looking forward to:
I start work on Monday! I’m going in for 3 {12 hour} days this week, which fits perfectly. I hate working 5 {8 hour} days a week and would much rather have 3 long days and just get it over with. I’ll be there Monday – Wednesday, giving me an extra long weekend to recover. Starting a new job is always mentally and physically draining, don’t you think?
I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!

Oh goodness! The pile of boxes is gigantic – I wouldn’t want to move ever again. That’s awful about the cedar chest – I have my great grandfather’s steamer trunk and would be devastated if anything happened to it.
Girl. You are having a time aren’t you?!? So sorry about your stuff. That would really upset me as well… But good thing the electronics made it safely. If your hubs is anything like mine, it would have made you both miserable if that stuff got messed up!!
Good luck on your first day at work. I’m sure it will go great!
So sad about your broken items. No fun.
Hooray for new job! Hope you are having a great first day!!
Happy 1st Day of Work! Yay!
I just had a mini-anxiety attack! And I remember the same thing about all the boxes….we’ve been in Canada for three years and we STILL have empty boxes there that need to be pitched! In a couple weeks I’ll have some more………yikes. I am glad that you have all of your stuff now.
Ugh I hate when that happens! Moving can be so evil.
I am sorry there is so much damage but I literally laughed out loud at the “compound fracture” statement.
aww that really stinks. I hope that doesn’t happen to my stuff when i move. 🙁
Oh no! I’m so sorry! Similar stuff even happened to us moving in state, and I got a little sad about it, too. Like you said, though, I guess it adds to the stories of our furniture.
Oh man! This scares me! Hubby and I are getting ready for a move next month and I’m hoping to avoid most carnage! 🙁
Aw that’s sad about those items that were damaged 🙁 but glad to read that the majority of things came through in one piece 🙂
I used to get Growing up Girls from my Oma {My Grandmother} Although I think I stopped getting them at a certain age because I may have started bitching about how I didn’t like them and preferred precious moments like some of my other cousins got AND they got harder and harder to find!