Greetings, everyone! Chris and I have decided to have a New York mini-vacation before our move back to the Midwest. We’ll take the train into Penn Station on Tuesday, July 7th and come home on Friday, July 10th. Our hotel is the New York Marriott Marquis, and we have reservations for dinner one night at One if By Land, Two if by Sea, but that’s as far as our plans stretch. I need suggestions!
I’ve been to NYC before, but it was about 7 years ago (just after 9/11, to tell the truth). We really want to see a Broadway show, so if you have any experiences or recommendations, please share. We’re also planning to do some sightseeing and shopping, so I’d love to have some suggestions in those regards as well!
Have a great Monday 🙂

Ahh New York City!!! I had such a great time when I visited there a year and half go (Dec 19-20th 2008 – so just before Christmas) and definitely want to go back again sometime! I just checked out the link to the hotel you're going to be staying at, looks like a fabulous spot!
Well I just checked back to the blog I wrote about NYC and what we did there so thought I'd post it here for you:
New York City
New York, New York!! So cool to finally get to the Big Apple and see all the famous sights and sounds you see and hear in movies! In the two days we were there (19th and 20th), me & Alisa managed to pack in a lot 🙂 We were fortunate enough to be able to stay at her flute teacher's place in Upper West Side, it overlooked the Hudson River. We did A LOT of walking around NYC (it is not a city for those don't like walking heaps!) but it was the best way to get a feel for the city and get a picture of the multicultural fabric of the city. The first day we were there we managed to score half price tickets to a play at Broadway! We saw August: Osage County which has received rave reviews from all the big critics and we both really enjoyed it 🙂 Then we went and had a look around Times Square and did some shopping. Then we went to Carnegie Hall and were stoked to be able to get tickets for only $20 to see Handel's Messiah! We were seated waaaay up in the heavens of the auditorium (beautiful decor inside!) and i think i had a touch of vertigo as i sat down and looked all the way to the stage. It felt like if i stood up and tripped over i would fall all the way down to the bottom hehe. But i got used to it and the choir and orchestra did an awesome job. Was mine and Alisa's first time hearing Handel's Messiah in its entirety. The next day we walked around Fifth Ave and past Central Park etc. I went up the Empire State Building which was awesome – really great views and it really helped me get my bearings for the city. I was so glad i did the audio tour which is where u pay a bit more to get this walky talky type phone that has this fictional native New Yorker Tony who speaks to you on it as you walk around the viewing platform. At different points of the platform are numbers so u just put in the number at each point. There was about 6 of these points all up taking in the different views of the city: North/NW, West, Southwest, South, South/SouthSE, East, and North/NE. It was also cool because you found out little tidbits about the city such as where the Titanic was supposed to have berthed. Oh yeah while i was in the gift shop up there i came across another Kiwi girl! We were both looking at the fridge magnets when i noticed she had a NZ flag patch thingy on her backpack. So i asked her if she'd been to NZ and she was like 'Im from NZ, im from Wellington!' hehe 🙂 so that was cool. Anyways after i'd been up there (Alisa didnt go up coz she'd done that the last time she was in NYC), we went past Rockefeller Centre, Ground Zero (there wasnt much here but it was good looking at the memorials tho and you could see they'd started work on laying the foundations for the Freedom Tower to be completed by 2010), Statue of Liberty (we took the free(!) commuter ferry boat to Staten Island which goes by it hehe), SoHo and Greenwich Village. So it was an awesome two days and we were so tired by the end of it – mostly our shoulders from carrying our schoolbags and other bags!
I want to go to New York so bad!!! I almost went when I was in Connecticut once but I thought I would be heading back for business again. No such luck. Have a fabulous time and definitely see any Broadway show you can!!! XOXO
have fun!
Please send my love to my home state for me!
And go see Next to Normal on Broadway. PRONTO!!!
You'll have so much fun. I went on a tv/movie tour when I went a few years ago and even though it sounds cheesy, it was a great couple hours and a great way to see a lot of Manhattan. The tour guides are awesome and I really wanted to see the Friends apartment building and Carrie Bradshaw's apartment. Even my NYC resident friend had a good time. As for Broadway – the big Tony winners this year were Billy Elliott and West Side Story. If you want a new and interesting musical, I recommend Next to Normal. is a great resource website that will help you find a show you're interested in, give you other reviews, etc.
That'll be so fun!!
I love NYC!! I went about a year and a half ago and posted some reviews on my blog.
Let me know if the links don't work and I'll email you them instead.
You're gonna have SO much fun!!
I've never been there so I have no advice but to just have fun and be safe.
No advice but have SOOO much fun!!!
I have never been to NYC and am DYING to go! We were supposed to go this past Christmas but had to cancel and now the itch to go is even stronger.. sigh. Have fun and take lots of pictures!