I think that a person’s shoes can tell you a lot about them. I hope that no one else thinks that, because if they do and they look at my feet, they’ll think that I’m ugly, run down, and falling a-p-a-r-t!
These are my work shoes. I’ve worn them every single day at work for over a year.
I’m not going to tell you some of the things that they’ve walked through.
Did you know that on average, a nurse working on a Med-Surg floor walks 3 miles per 12 hour shift? And did you know that nurses in the ER tend to walk more than nurses on many other units? And did you know that night shift is the busiest shift in the ER?
That’s a lot of walking.
That’s a lot of trips – trips to answer a call light, go to a patient’s room, to the doctors’ area, to triage, to the accudose, to the supply room, to the lab, pushing a patient cart to their room on the 11th floor…
…and more than just a few stubbed toes. Didn’t I tell you they were ugly? But they were great shoes. They’re still great shoes, and I plan on keeping them for late-night dog walks or quick trips to bring out the garbage. But from here on out, I’ll be wearing some new ones to work.
Look familiar?
If you find a good thing, you hold on to it, right 😉

I have good taste in everything but shoes. I always hope and pray people don’t judge me by my shoes! Ha!
love your new kicks!!!
As a nurse, I’d have to agree! If you find a good shoe, you might as well stick with it!
I can only imagine what stepping into those new shoes must have felt like. I LOVE stepping into new shoes!
I agree, when you find something good – hold onto it!
I have the same shoes in three colors!
I’m a L&D nurse and can totally relate to having worn out shoes and exhausted legs. I have to replace my same Danskos much more often than normal.
Comfy shoes are must when working at a hospital… I’ll never forget how sore my feet were at the end of my first shift as a CNA….
But I never understood why people pick clogs, I mean, really your shoes do go through some pretty awful things, aren’t you afraid the awfulness will get on your heels if they aren’t covered?
I’m a big believer of keeping the same shoes – I’ve had three pairs of the same running shoes and have no plans to change.
Yay for new shoes!
At the health system I work for we’re currently building a brand new women’s and children’s hospital, and apparently on several of the floors they are putting in special flooring that is cushier (sp?) because our nurse’s union asked for it. I have no idea what it’s called (or what it’s made of) but someday I’ll hopefully get to walk on it and see if it really is better on the feet!
What kind of shoe is that? I’ve been looking for comfy shoes for work…