In 6 weeks, my younger sister Valerie will be making the long flight from Indiana to New Zealand! Just how long? Her total flight time {not including layovers} is 18 hours, 45 minutes. She’s the first of our families to make the trip, and we couldn’t be happier 🙂
I can remember when she was leading up to telling us about her visit over Skype. Chris was in the kitchen and I was on the sofa. Valerie was talking about how she’d learned that she had an extra week of vacation from her accounting job, and I saw Chris smile. He later said that he almost yelled, “Tell her to come here!”, but then decided not to. We had been dropping more than a few hints about how she needed to visit, and didn’t want to pester her too much. So when she said that she was planning to use that extra week plus another week of vacation to fly to New Zealand, we were thrilled!
My sisters Valerie & Katrina
Her visit will be smack-dab in the middle of December and take us through her birthday, my birthday, and Christmas. It’s a great time to be over here, weather-wise {remember – we’re heading into Summer right now}. We have all sorts of fun plans: Waiheke Island, hiking up Mt. Rangitoto, snorkeling, visiting Hobbiton, going to Coromandel and visiting Cathedral Cove {where they filmed the opening beach scene in Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian}, swimming in the Parnell Baths, and walking all around our neighborhood. Who knows? Maybe she’ll fall in love with New Zealand and decide that she wants to move here, too. We’d be OK with that 🙂

Hoorah! What a treat. I love have people bridge the gap between my two worlds. Have fun. Betchya realize what a local you have become when you host your first visitor — always fun too 🙂
Thank you – actually, I have 5 sisters and 4 brothers (big family)! The sister that’s visiting is the one right below me in age. And we seem to have found a midwife, but it was definitely an experience in a different cultural healthcare style!
That’s wonderful news for you! Your sisters are beautiful! Are you one of three, or do you have brothers too? What wonderfully exciting times you have ahead of you.
Hope your pregnancy is going well and you’ve found a midwife you’re happy with x
So much fun!!! Can’t wait to see photos from all of your adventures with her!!! XOXO
Awww, yay for family time!!!
I hope you guys have a great time! 🙂
Yay! That is so exciting, I know you will really cherish that visit!
How exciting!! I have to admit, warmer weather during December would be nice!!
Aw yay! 🙂 looking forward to meeting your sister. You have a good lineup of fun activities!
I can’t wait!!! I’m glad I’m not the only one counting down the days! 🙂
What an ideal time for a visit! I’m sure you three will have a fantastic time enjoying each other’s company and exploring NZ!
Awww, that should be such a great time!! I love having family/friends in far away places…it gives you an incentive to visit!!
How exciting! 🙂 Enjoy your first visitor!!
Thats awesome and what perfect timing with the season & holiday! Hopefully you’re giving a long list of items to bring for you guys.