Our dog loves acorns. He loves them. Not to eat, of course, but to chase and bat around and pounce on. I swear, sometimes he is more cat than dog!
When we first moved here, there weren’t any acorns on the ground. But over the last 2-3 weeks they’ve started falling off the trees, and Bear goes crazy when he’s on a walk and one bounces down right in front of him. It’s hilarious and I love watching it! He jumps and scrambles after them as though they were killer animals. I wish I had a video of it!
What’s probably the cutest thing is when he corners one acorn, then sees another. He’ll start scampering after it, remember his first acorn, run back and grab it in his mouth, then start chasing the other one. Apparently, it’s pretty difficult to hold one acorn in your mouth while trying to pick up another, because he jumps around, dropping one or both, eventually leaving them and going off to chase yet another acorn. It’s too adorable

His name is Bear! So cute!