Birthdays, Joseph Ezra, Video

4 Months

Joe is 4 months old today. Unbelievable! You are such a sweet baby, Joe 🙂  You love to play and coo and smile.  You have started talking to us on a regular basis – you love to screech and trill and gurgle.  Sometimes, you shriek so loudly that you strain your throat and start to… Read More 4 Months

Cooking, Funny


Here’s what happens when you’ve got too much on your mind: Yeah, my handheld blender is not supposed to look like that.  I made another batch of applesauce in the crockpot and was waiting  for it to finish.  For some reason, it went longer than usual and I was in a hurry.  Once it finally… Read More Whoops

America, Home, Travel, traveling, USA, Vacation


We have about a month now before we head over to the States.  To be honest, I’m a bit nervous about it.  What will it be like?  Will I experience some reverse culture shock?  Will I drive my parents and in-laws crazy when we stay with them?! The answer to the last two questions is… Read More Nervous


A Disclaimer of Sorts

Having a blog is a strange thing.  I enjoy it, but it’s strange.  It basically means that I’m writing about what I’m thinking, feeling, and experiencing right now.  I don’t do a whole lot of retrospective analyses on here, because there’s so much going on in my daily life that I want to record and… Read More A Disclaimer of Sorts

Auckland, New Zealand, Travel


Do you see that? I’m not referring to the Sky Tower.  I’m referring to the other thing.  Do you see it?  No?  Here – let me point it out to you: You still don’t see it?!  Ugh.  Fine – I’ll zoom in: Do you see it now?!  That, my lovely readers, is a human being… Read More SkyJump


Free Subscription to BabyTalk Magazine

Hello, my lovely readers!  If any of you are interested, click on the image below to get a free subscription to BabyTalk Magazine: I’ve already shared this with my expectant sisters-in-law, and thought that I would pass it along to you guys, too! Only open to US residents

Books, Chris, Joseph Ezra, Reading


We go through at least 4 books with Joe every day.  Thank goodness the library is nearby. Chris was reading to Joe one evening, and they looked so cute and precious that I had to take photos.  I hope that as Joe grows older, he’ll continue to enjoy reading books with his daddy as much… Read More Storytime

Joseph Ezra


No babies were posed in the taking of this photo… Joe is going through a bit of a spitting up phase. Yes, that’s spit-up, not snot.  Joe just happened to roll over in such a way that it looks as though it’s coming out of his nose, further adding to the “beauty” of this photograph. … Read More Ick.

Cookies, Recipes

Easy, Semi-Unsweetened, Homemade: Peanut Butter Coconut Cornflake Cookies

I went to the grocery the other day and bought a large box of cornflakes.  Then, I remembered that Chris doesn’t particularly care for plain cornflakes. Whoops. So, I now have a big box of cornflakes at home and a husband who doesn’t care to eat them as is.  I can’t eat them because I’m… Read More Easy, Semi-Unsweetened, Homemade: Peanut Butter Coconut Cornflake Cookies



There are 3 things on my horizon that have got me pretty excited… 1. I’m getting my hair cut and highlighted for the first time in, oh, 5 months.  Back then, I looked like this: 36 Weeks Pregnant Now, I look somewhat like this… Cousin It from “The Addams Family” 2. It’s less than a… Read More Excited

Auckland, Photos, Pictures, Walks

Some Photos

Joe and I went on a pointless errand today.  Don’t you just love those?  When you get to your destination and you learn that the paperwork you were given is, in fact, not sufficient.  And then when you email the letting agent to let them know that you need different paperwork in order to get… Read More Some Photos

Activities, Activities for Children, Artwork, Auckland, Travel

Auckland Art Gallery

Chris came home early today in order to make-up for the fact that he’ll be out late for the rest of the week.  What to do with this rare moment of spare time?  I knew what I wanted to do!  We went to the Auckland Art Gallery: We have wanted to visit for awhile now,… Read More Auckland Art Gallery

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