Etsy Wednesdays

Etsy Wednesdays!

I’ve decided to try something new on my blog – Etsy Wednesdays! Etsy just amazes me – the fact that there are so many talented, creative people out there who make these things on their own just blows my mind. I love looking at all of the different products, and thought that I’d share some… Read More Etsy Wednesdays!


Another Nephew!

I have another nephew!  My oldest sister C and her husband D had a little baby boy, J.B., at about 2am this morning in Wisconsin.  He was around 3 weeks early, but still completely healthy 🙂  He joins an older sister, E.S.  Congratulations, C & D!!!


Ridiculous Lawsuits!

Here’s further proof that America is a lawsuit-happy nation. I’m sure that we can all understand being upset and frustrated over lost or damaged luggage, but suing the airline for $1 million because of a missing Xbox? Sure – the airline should be expected to replace or reimburse the allegedly stolen item, but $1 million?… Read More Ridiculous Lawsuits!

New Zealand, Travel, traveling

Waiting Game

Well, Chris left this morning for his trip to New Zealand. The plan was for him to fly into O’Hare, then LAX, then Auckland. Unfortunately, the weather in Chicago didn’t cooperate. He ended up being re-routed to Indy where he sat, and sat, and sat. Had he been able to de-plane, it’s likely that he… Read More Waiting Game

Air Force, Family, Iraq, Photos, USAF

Made My Day

Today I got an email from my little brother, E, who is currently stationed with the USAF in Iraq. It made my day to hear from him 🙂 He’s doing well, thank goodness – just getting used to the time, culture, and weather over there. We love you and miss you, E! We can’t wait… Read More Made My Day


Stationary Help!

I need stationary! My brother, E, has left for his Air Force deployment in Iraq. If I were going to write him a letter right now, it would either be on a piece of blank white computer paper (yuck) or notebook paper. It’d like to use something a bit nicer than either of those. Where… Read More Stationary Help!


71% Addicted

According to this “How Addicted to Blogging are You?” quiz, I am 71% addicted. Does that mean that I’m getting a C- in terms of blogging? Does it mean that I spend 71% of my time on the internet doing blog-related stuff? I don’t really know, but it was a fun quiz 🙂 To find… Read More 71% Addicted



I am so happy that it’s going to be mildly warm today! Actually 55 degrees! And sunny, too! Can you sense that it’s been awhile since New England warmed up?! I may go a little crazy with all of this Spring-like weather 🙂

Bear, Photos


This is what Bear looks like as soon as he hears Chris’ car door slam, announcing his arrival home from work… Isn’t he cute?! He’s our little buddy 🙂 Have a great Friday, everyone!

Family, Jobs

Uncertain Economy

My thoughts and prayers are with my sister and BIL out in IA. My BIL found out today (his birthday) that he has been laid off indefinitely. This wasn’t a total shock, as his company did an earlier lay-off a few months back. Still, it’s a scary thing. Chris and I will definitely be praying… Read More Uncertain Economy


More about Chris’ NZ Interview

I am so jealous of Chris! He’s almost done making travel arrangements for his NZ interview. He’ll fly out on a Sunday in March, arrive in NZ on Tuesday (the flight is 22 hrs, plus you lose a day crossing the International Date Line), have a day to relax, recuperate, and see the city, interview… Read More More about Chris’ NZ Interview

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