
What’s With Today?

What’s up with today?  Seriously.  Not only was there that crazy US Airways crash into the Hudson (thank goodness everyone got off safely), but then one of our “sister hospitals” had an emergency.  They lost all power and heat, which in the 12 degree weather isn’t exactly a good thing.  To make things worse, this… Read More What’s With Today?

St. Thomas, Vacation

St. Thomas

Hi Friends! We arrived safely in St. Thomas, and the weather is perfect. Today was spent at the resort’s beach & pool, followed by a quick trip into Charlotte Amalie for some more groceries. We had some of the basics delivered before our arrival, and I’m really glad we did that – it made things… Read More St. Thomas

Food, Photos

Burnt Bagels

This is what happens when I decide to make myself a snack, then start to check emails.  I get so involved in reading stuff online that I completely forget about the poor bagels in the toaster oven, and only remember them when the smell of smoke starts wafting upstairs!


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I’m really busy right now, so this is a short post. I promise that once things calm down I’ll write some more. Suffice to say that it’s been a crazy few days! And for those of you curious people out there who want to know where Santa is AT THIS VERY MOMENT,… Read More Merry Christmas!


Another Award!

Yay! Angie over at Psycho Hairapy gave me this blog award… Thank you so much, Angie! The award says that “This blog invests and believes in proximity – nearness in space, time, and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes… Read More Another Award!

Photos, Shopping, snow, Winter

Snow Photos

It started snowing in our area of Massachusetts around 1:30 on Friday afternoon, and it basically continued for the next 48 hours. It finally slowed up and eventually stopped all together yesterday late afternoon, but the forecast is calling for more snow! I think it’s safe to say that we will be having a White… Read More Snow Photos

Nursing Jobs


Well, the good news is that I made it through hearing all of the assignments without bursting into tears. The not-so-good news? I was assigned to an acute inpatient women’s psychiatric floor. Psych nursing is not my favorite type of nursing, and I much prefer male patients to female patients. So, to be assigned to… Read More Assignment.

Nursing Jobs


You may remember me talking about how I’m in this 3 month rotation program for newly graduated RNs. Well, the program is almost over, and we’ll find out about our permanent placement by the end of the day tomorrow. I’m on pins & needles, I’m excited, I’m nervous, I’m worried… basically, I’m just going crazy… Read More Waiting!

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