
Dinner for Two

The other night, I got a bit of a surprise when I found that Chris had arrived home ahead of me.  I typically leave the house before he does and get home before him, so I wasn’t expecting him for another 2 hours or so. I was even more surprised to see that he had… Read More Dinner for Two

Lyrics, Sun, Winter

Here Comes the Sun

Hi Friends! The sun came out today in New England after a few gray days, and it brought to mind my favorite Beatle’s song, “Here Comes the Sun”. And they said George could never write anything… “Here comes the sun,Here comes the sun,And I sayIt’s alright. Little darling,It’s been a long cold lonely winterLittle darlingIt… Read More Here Comes the Sun


Boring, boring, boring

My life is boring right now. Very ho-hum. Various family members will call to ask what’s new, and I feel like I have to apologize because absolutely nothing is going on! I mean, sure, Chris is enjoying work at the college, but he’s also applying for different assistant professor positions elsewhere. I’m still rotating to… Read More Boring, boring, boring

snow, Winter


Can you believe that it is only October and Massachusetts is already getting snow?!?! This does not bode well for the rest of the winter! Since I live so close to the hospital, I’ve already been told that I should plan on being available during snow/ice-storms to cover for people who can’t come in to… Read More Snow?!

Giveaways, Jewelry

Make Mine a Mojito Giveaway!

Hi friends! Mojito Maven is celebrating her 100th post with a fabulous jewelry giveaway. In honor of this occasion, she will be giving away Stella & Dot’s Wishing Threads to 5 lucky readers. So head on over to Make Mine a Mojito to find out how you can be entered!


Philadelphia Story

Chris had to stay late for a dinner meeting tonight. He dropped in briefly to check on me, since I’d phoned him earlier to let him know about going home early from work (isn’t he sweet?). Since I had the evening to myself I decided to watch “The Philadelphia Story”, starring Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant,… Read More Philadelphia Story



I ended up coming home from work about 2 1/2 hours early today. I started feeling the beginnings of a headache while driving in this morning, but being the tough RN that I am, I figured I could deal with it and didn’t need to take anything. Well, this just happened to be the day… Read More Wednesdays


Cracking up in Church

Have you ever gotten a horrible case of the giggles in the most inappropriate setting? That happened to me and Chris this Sunday while sitting in church… To begin, I should tell you that this church is “old”, both in terms of the building (built in the 1800s) and in terms of the congregation’s average… Read More Cracking up in Church


A History of Smoking

I was reading my latest Time Magazine and was directed to the Stanford School of Medicine’s Lane Library exhibit on smoking advertisements. It’s pretty amazing what cigarette companies used to use as means of advertising for smoking. Stuff we would never use now, like having athletes promoting cigarettes that wouldn’t take your breath away, or… Read More A History of Smoking


Halloween Westies!

I found this sweet picture of two Westies, all ready to go for Halloween. While we probably won’t be buying Bear any costumes, I did think these two looked pretty darn cute! photo courtesy of www.2westies.com


Saturdays & Husbands

Saturdays used to be fun. Of course, that was when we were both full-time students and before we were working full time! Now, Saturdays are usually spent doing laundry, cleaning, running errands, etc., while Chris goes into the office for several hours to work on the upcoming week’s lectures. Today, however, will be fun! We… Read More Saturdays & Husbands

Birthdays, Family

Fall Baby

Look at this cute picture of my niece, Ella.  She is turning 1 this week, and I wanted to wish her a Happy Birthday!  We love you, Ella (and your mom and dad, too)!

Halloween, Salem Massachusetts

Salem Harvest Fest

We just got our tickets for the 2008 Salem Harvest Fest in Salem, MA.  I’m so excited! The event is put on by PampleMousse and sponsored by Magic Hat Brewing Company, Rockafellas, and The Upper Crust.  Last year, Chris & I had so much fun going on a haunted walking tour of our old town… Read More Salem Harvest Fest

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