Ghoulish and Glam Halloween Hip Hostess Series
Does this not look fun? I can’t wait till the Christmas event in Boston, which I am thoroughly planning to drag Chris to 🙂 photo courtesy of photo courtesy of
Does this not look fun? I can’t wait till the Christmas event in Boston, which I am thoroughly planning to drag Chris to 🙂 photo courtesy of photo courtesy of
Since moving to Massachusetts, I’ve picked up on some of the local names for things. I already knew about some of them, but not all. Here’s my brief guide to understanding Massachusetts words: Bubbler = Water/Drinking FountainCarriage = Shopping CartElastics = Rubber BandsJohnnies = Patient/Hospital Gowns I’m sure that there’s more out there that I’ll… Read More Learning the Language
Hi everyone. I try to keep an eye out for free stuff and if I see anything interesting, I’ll usually fill out the form (so long as I’m sure they’re not going to spam me). One of the sites I check every now and then had a link to a free t-shirt from Swedish Fish!… Read More Free T-Shirt?
Hi Everyone! For those of you who read this blog on a regular basis, you’ll notice that I’ve disabled the comments form. An unhappy person was commenting on some of my posts, so I’ve decided to cut them off at the source. I’m not sure when I’ll allow comments again, but I hope you enjoy… Read More Comments Disabled
Hi Everyone. PamperingBeki is organizing the 2008 Bloggers’ Ornament Exchange. Sounds like fun! To sign up, head over to her website and follow the directions. Ornaments should have a value of approximately $10 and will need to be mailed by November 22nd. The sign-up deadline is October 25th, so hurry on over if you want… Read More 2008 Ornament Exchange – Sign Up!
I’ve mentioned to some people about the piano my parents and uncle had a hand in getting for me for my BSN graduation. I’ve also mentioned how during the moving process, the piano was dismantled (the legs, lid, pedal lyre, and music desk were removed) and the movers were unable to put it back together… Read More At Last, My Lovely Piano is Whole Once Again
I’ve been an ambitious cook this weekend! Since I’m now working 5 days a week, 7:30am – 4:00pm, I typically don’t feel like cooking anything for supper once I get home. I decided to make 2 things this weekend that taste good all week, freeze nicely, and are easy to put together. On Friday I… Read More Cooking Weekend
This is old news, but the University of South Carolina beat Ole Miss yesterday 31 – 24. But that’s not why I’m writing this post. I saw this picture this morning, taken of some Gamecocks fans at the game, and it made me laugh out loud. At first glance you might not notice it, but… Read More University of South Carolina beats Ole Miss
Some friends and family members have wanted to know when I will “actually start working”. I have to laugh when I hear this because let me tell you – I have started working. Anyone who thinks that sitting for 8 1/2 hours in a warm, stuffy room listening to people go on and on about… Read More When do I Start?
I’m very organized, and I like to get things done ahead of schedule. I was never the type that could wait till the last minute to start working on a project, because it makes me horribly nervous. That is why I’ve already ordered our Christmas cards 🙂 I’ve seen so many cute designs lately from… Read More Serendipity Christmas Cards
Another day of orientation, another day of wishing I could prop my eyelids open with toothpicks. The good news is that we finished early. We have a schedule that we are supposed to go by, but each speaker that comes in talks for around 5-10 minutes over their allotted time, resulting in the scheduling being… Read More Still Surviving Orientation
My first days always result in a headache. First day at work, first day at school, first day of vacations, it doesn’t matter! Today was my first day at the hospital, and I decided to treat my headache prophylactically by taking some Ibuprofen mid-morning. The day started out with a lot of information from HR… Read More First Days
I was saddened to read today that Paul Newman passed away last night at the age of 83. He had been battling cancer for quite some time. It’s my opinion that just about every movie that he was in or helped to produce was made better simply by his association. The fact that he donated… Read More Bye, Bye, Blue Eyes
I need a new camera. Our current digital camera is a Kodak EasyShare CX7430. We’ve had it for almost 4 years. It worked well for about a year and a half, then the batteries started to do weird things. It came with Kodak rechargeables, and when those wore out, I bought some more rechargeables directly… Read More I Need a New Camera
I went to the library a few days back to drop off some books. Since we decided not to get cable, when we do watch TV it’s either a movie, mini-series, or TV season on DVD. I was looking at the library’s DVDs, didn’t see much that was interesting, then saw Season I of House,… Read More House, M.D.
Our dog loves acorns. He loves them. Not to eat, of course, but to chase and bat around and pounce on. I swear, sometimes he is more cat than dog! When we first moved here, there weren’t any acorns on the ground. But over the last 2-3 weeks they’ve started falling off the trees, and… Read More Our Dog Loves Acorns
I had to write about the new online shop for Pumpkin Petunia’s stationary and prints. I read her blog on a pretty regular basis, so naturally I was so excited to see that she was going to start offering some of her cute designs for sale! She’s got some adorable prints, both standard and customized.… Read More Silhouettes for Sale
We have a family friend that has done so many funny, ridiculous things in his life that it would take a book to chronicle all of them. I’ve known him (we’ll call him Ed) all my life, but my husband didn’t meet him till after we’d been dating for a few months. I kept telling… Read More Let’s Call You Ed
…You’re Not Much! This was a saying I heard from time to time while growing up. I come from a very Dutch family. Lots of Postmas, Hendrijkas, Wilhelminas, Dykemas! My parents were both born and raised in South Holland, IL, went to Dutch Reformed churches, and many of my extended family now lives in and… Read More If You’re Not Dutch…
We don’t have cable (by choice), mostly because we hardly ever watch TV. When we did have cable included with our rent (in Indiana), I found that we watched it too often. We’d end up lounging on the couch in the evenings, not really talking to each other, just watching. Neither of us liked that.… Read More Penelope