

We have been having a great time in Paris! Our villa is amazing and I am falling in love with French architecture and decorating. I have taken several pictures to use as ideas when I get back home. Let me just say that I have really loved being here – we are having such a… Read More Paris



Yikes! I have been preparing for our trip to France and I am sick of it. I should have taken Rachael’s advice and had her help me pack! I am trying to be conservative in what we bring, because our rental car only fits 5 people and 3 suitcases (there are 5 of us going,… Read More Yikes!


A Devotional

I’d like to share with you a devotional from a book that has meant a lot to me over the years. It is from “The Satisfied Heart”, by Ruth Myers and is put out by WaterBrook Press. This particular book is aimed for women, but I think guys can glean some meaning from it as… Read More A Devotional



I have been able to make nicer meals these last few weeks, now that my schedule is not so crazy. Chris & Bear have both appreciated this – Chris, because he gets to eat tasty meals, and Bear, because he gets to eat tasty leftovers. So yesterday I tried something new – Slow Cooked Beef… Read More Dinner



Hey All – well, last week we were planning to go to St. Simons Island, GA to visit Chris’ family for Spring Break. But on Saturday, Chris’ mom called and asked if we would like to go to France. Hmmm… let me think about it… I think YES!!!! So, we are going to go to… Read More FRANCE!


More Videos!

Here are some home movies taken Christmas morning/afternoon at the family compound. Chris with my nephew Kyler Sam with Kyler; my niece Elaine is in there at some point, too


Chris & Bear

Here is a video of Chris playing with our little westie, Bear, in our tiny little apartment 🙂 Bear is usually more playful than on this video – I think Chris was scaring him!



Here is a website that I’ve found for all of you nurses out there. It is mainly geared towards newer nurses, but many of the articles are written by nurses with experience. I particularly like the “Rookie Wit & Wisdom” blogs 🙂


Kyler with Spaghetti

Here is a video of Kyler, my newphew, chowing down on spaghetti – what is especially funny is how in the background you can hear my niece Elaine is repeating what my sister Shelly is saying 🙂



I’m writing in the blog because I need to take a break from studying (I have 3 exams this week – yuck). Anyway, this last week has not been fun. We had to give Tobey away 🙁 He was a great dog with people but he was too aggressive with strange dogs and actually bit… Read More Tobey


Nephew & Nieces

Well, you all know that I love to show pictures and videos of my nephew & nieces. My sister Shelly recently sent me the 2 below. In the 1st one, Elaine & Kyler are in the GIGANTIC leaf pile in their backyard, and in the 2nd one, Elaine starts out by “preaching” to Kyler, then… Read More Nephew & Nieces


Ella Sofia

Well, my oldest sister Cindy finally had her baby! Ella Sofia was born on Wednesday, October 17th at around 3pm and weighed 7lbs 4oz. She is adorable! This is Cindy & Dan’s first child, and she is definitely going to be spoiled! See below for proof of her cuteness 🙂



Hey – here are 2 other videos my sister sent me today (10-06-07) of Carrie, dancing to the Purdue song & eating peaches 🙂 These are videos of my niece, Carrie (6 months old), taken at my oldest sister’s baby shower at my parents’ house. Enjoy!

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