
Underwater World :-)

Here are a bunch of pictures from a snorkeling trip I did with Chris & his family in Hawaii during December of 2005. The last 3 are from our recent trip to Key West, FL (the photo of the shark has a story about it — keep scrolling & read Chris’ post)!


Adventures in Charting

This is from a handout that one of my nursing professors gave us. These were collected from actual patient medical records: 1. The baby was delivered, the cord clamped & cut & handed to the pediatrician, who breathed & cried immediately.2. The skin was moist & dry.3. Rectal exam revealed a normal size thyroid.4. She… Read More Adventures in Charting


Traveling Woes

Chris is a groomsman in his friend Craig’s wedding today (Saturday, May 26th). The wedding is in Chris’ hometown of St. Simons Island, GA. Now Memorial Day weekend is a busy time for travelers, but we got Chris’ airline tickets in advance and didn’t forsee any difficulties on the horizon. So Chris went to Indy… Read More Traveling Woes


Practice Patient

Poor Chris – he didn’t realize that when I went back to school to be a nurse, he would have to be my guinea pig! Today, we did eye and ear examinations! Boy, did Chris love having me pull on his eyelids to examine the conjuntiva and having me peer inside his ears (I’m not… Read More Practice Patient



That’s what I’ve been doing a lot of recently: traveling. Three weeks ago, I flew to Atlanta for a conference and two weeks ago I went to Bloomington, IN for a conference. In about 1 month, I will be traveling to my hometown St. Simons Isl., GA for a wedding. The week before that I… Read More Traveling


Big Thanks :-)

So, one of the unexpected benefits of marrying into my husband’s family is the wonderful vacations and traveling that I have gotten to participate in. Thus far, I have been able to go with them to Hawaii, the Bahamas for a day cruise, Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, not to mention just visiting at their home in… Read More Big Thanks 🙂


Tobey vs. the Snowman

Tobey’s epic battle with the snowman occurred about a month ago. At the time, the snowdrifts were easily 3-4 feet high, and the snow was about 1-2 feet deep everywhere else. An industrious group of college students took advantage of the situation by making an imposing eight foot snowman. It is with this snowman that… Read More Tobey vs. the Snowman

Bear, dogs, Tobey

A Dirty Job Made Dirtier

When you own a dog, there are always ups and downs in your life. They can brighten your day by doing something cute; they can comfort you when you are lonely; or they can ruin your day by puking on your favorite pair of Jeans (I now glare at Tobey as I remember that day… Read More A Dirty Job Made Dirtier

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