Here are some pictures that Chris emailed me from his trip. He’s having a really great time thus far – he likes the faculty, really is impressed with the campus, and all in all is having a great experience 🙂
View of the Cook Islands, taken while on layover there (he was able to get off the plane and walk around, which was an unexpected benefit)
The ClockTower Building (yes, that’s how it’s spelled)
Some of the greenery he walked through on his way to campus (his hotel is really close to the university)
His flight over was really nice, which was great considering how much trouble he’d had with airlines earlier in the day. He had 3 empty seats in his row, so he was able to stretch out and nap for a bit. They also were serving free alcoholic beverages, which he naturally took advantage of, including some scotch and a mimosa for breakfast 🙂 Out of curiousity, he asked the stewardess how much it would cost to upgrade to 1st class. “$5,000, sir”, was her reply. Once Chris recovered his breath, he told her thanks, but no thanks, ha ha! She was really nice though and came back later during the flight with one of the 1st class “gift bags” and gave it to him, which made him like Air New Zealand even more!
He gave a mock lecture yesterday evening, which he said seemed to go well. He still needs to give a “job talk” and go through the official interview. I believe that those will take place today and tomorrow, respectively. Then, he’s back home to New England. I can’t wait to see him!

I hope it goes well!
New Zealand!!! Wow !!! Beautiful landscape and must say I wouldn’t mind living there myself 🙂 I am praying that his interview goes well!!!
Great pics…glad he had a good flight! 🙂
Nice photos!