The rain has really started to come down in New Zealand.
View from our window
It’s as though we went from summer to -snap- winter in the blink of an eye. I’m thankful for the cooler temperatures and appreciative of the rain, since it’s been so dry and drought-y over here. I’m sure that the farmers appreciate it, too.
Of course, with the rain comes less and less opportunities to do things like walk to the playground. Joe keeps asking me, “Swings? Slide?” and I keep having to explain to him that it is too wet, perhaps tomorrow. We find other things to do instead, such as visits to the library, walking to the art gallery (next on our list!), or going to the gym. The gym is a blessing because Joe is able to run and climb and play at the creche there in a big, open, well-lit room while I get to work out. When we absolutely have to stay indoors, we do things like read books, play with puzzles, play kick ball, build with magnetic toys, and bake! You’ll remember that Joe loves to help me in the kitchen. Sometimes, I make a batch of cookies just so we’ll have something to do.
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie – experimented with using no dairy, no eggs… turned out yummy!
I had my 36 week midwife appointment today. All is well and I was happy that she let me stretch out the next appointment till 38 weeks. I don’t really mind coming every week, but I do mind having to squish the appointment in either just before Joe’s naptime (thereby having to feed him lunch on the run) or having to wake him up early to make the appointment. We went to a cafe before today’s appointment to meet up with the nursing student who has been following my pregnancy. Joe was quite happy with his fluffy.
Cinnamon Moustache? Check!
So, 36 1/2 weeks… it’s really hard at this point not to think things like, “This baby could come any day now… I really wish this baby would come any day now… Why hasn’t this baby come yet?!” I did that with Joe and, to a certain extent, you can’t help it. Nevertheless, I’m trying not to think about it too much 🙂

Oh my goodness, Joe looks like such a big boy in this picture!