Okay, enough work-related drama! I’m getting sick of typing about it, so I’m sure that you are all sick of reading about it!
Today, I’m going to share some of the DVDs that we’ve watched over the last few weeks. I think that the 1st one we watched was “The Duchess”. I wanted to see this movie because I’d read some good reviews.
In my opinion, the reviews were wrong, and this movie was just plain boring. This may be because I’m not a huge Keira Knightley fan. I am a Ralph Fiennes fan (and yes, I do know how to pronounce his first name – it’s not “Ralph”, it’s “Rafe”), so I had high hopes that he would redeem the movie. But he didn’t, and we ended up stopping it halfway through. I’m sorry if you really liked this one, but I just couldn’t sit through it.
The next one that we watched was “Wanted”. This was Chris’ pick (gee, I wonder why… Angelina Jolie, perhaps?).
This movie was better than “The Duchess”. At the very least, we made it all the way through to the end. It’s still not what I’d qualify as a “great” movie, though. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen anything with Angelina Jolie, mostly because I don’t like her acting style. However, I do like James McAvoy, so that definitely helped keep me interested!
Next, we watched “Finding Forrester”, directed by Gus Van Sant (whose movies I usually like).
This is an older movie that I had seen a few years back, but Chris never had. I actually like this one. It’s the kind of movie that you can’t watch too often, but if you’re in the mood for something entertaining, intellectual, and starring Sean Connery, then this is one you should pick 
Finally, last night was spent watching 2 or 3 episodes of season 5 of “Friends” (the one with “Ross says the Wrong Name” and when Pheobe has the triplets. You know the ones!).
Does anyone else miss “Friends”? I do, and I wish it had gone on for at least another season!
And just in case you’re wondering, don’t expect any current reviews of “Gossip Girl” or “The Real Housewives of Orange County” on here. We don’t have cable (by choice, not neccessity) and only watch TV shows once the season has come out on DVD. I did try to watch some of season 1 of “Gossip Girl”, and while I found it mildly entertaining, it just wasn’t interesting enough to make me want to finish. If this is a show that you absolutely love, then please don’t stop reading my blog! I just kept thinking that the storyline was boring and overdone. Maybe I’m wrong about the show, and season 2 is an improvement. If so, please tell me and I’d be more than willing to give it a 2nd shot 

I miss Friends. And the early to mid 90’s when I was skinny.
Although I do kinda like my life with kids now.
how about Gilmore Girls? Pride and Prejudice? Mamma Mia? The Forsyte Saga? These are some great movies!! Definintely worth watching!!!
I too miss Friends! I hope your commute home wasn’t too bad today!
We watched friends last night too! I do miss it!