Joe and I went on a pointless errand today. Don’t you just love those? When you get to your destination and you learn that the paperwork you were given is, in fact, not sufficient. And then when you email the letting agent to let them know that you need different paperwork in order to get them a copy of your key, they tell you, “Oh – don’t worry about it! I’ve done it already.” Gah!
Still, it wasn’t a total waste. It was a gorgeous day and I had my camera with me. Joe was happy in the baby carrier. We walked past one of my favorite op shops – New Beginnings at Auckland City Mission:
And did you know that both Cornell and Harvard have campuses in Auckland?
I’m totally kidding. I think that one of those is an apartment building. There’s also an MIT {Manukau Institute of Technology}, but I didn’t get a photo.
We walked through Aotea Square on our way home.
Just another day here in Auckland.

I like this post.
“Stop your sniveling!” lol!
love the new blog layout!
especially the beautiful picture at the top.