Sometimes, I really want to write a “venting” post, one where I let it all out and just complain, complain, complain. A post where I seek justification for my hurt feelings and maybe a little commiseration when I share a negative experience. Usually, a negative experience brought on by someone else.
I’ve written some of those posts. Written them and, thankfully, deleted the majority of them without ever hitting “publish”.
For me, the writing process is usually all the therapy that I need. I get it down in written word, re-read it, think things through, and then decide, “This isn’t worth dwelling on. I don’t want to put this on the internet only to be reminded of it, either through people’s comments or through my blog archives. It’s enough to write it, and then let it go.”
Deep breath in….
Deep breath out…
Moving on.

If you do not describe your life in a holistic way, including both the good and the bad, then the casual stopper-by will get the wrong idea about your life here. They will think it is much nicer than it actually is. And maybe they will come themselves and be surprised by what they find.
So my philosophy is let it all hang out, and if the laundry’s mostly dirty, then it is.
They’re big on “blame the victim” in New Zealand. If there’s a problem, it’s “you”. I can see you going through the same mental contortions as I did trying not to blame myself for having higher expectations of a destination. You are clearly making the best of it and trying to be optimistic
Take it easy on yourself and vent if you have to. 😉
Girl I need to do this more often. I got myself in trouble w my inlaws on my previous Blog bc I came across as ungrateful for using the word “stressful” to describe Magic Kingdom on a trip to Disney w them. Let’s just say they read way too much into what I was saying and now I’m able to have the new blog I do without them reading it!
It’s great to write it out and get it out though 🙂 I just need to remember to DELETE it after lol
aw man, IM glad writing it out helped. I write myself emails sometimes venting. lol.
I tend to get in trouble when I vent on my blog. But I just told them to stop reading because it’s going to happen 😉
Venting in public can be good if it will benefit others (a certain corrupt apartment complex comes to mind!). It’s also very good for your mental health! I hope your frustration resolves itself quickly! 🙂
I only use my blog to vent anymore. It keeps me sane. Oh well.
You’re good, I vent on my blog all the time 🙁 xx