Baking, Cooking

A Spicy Secret

Please tell me that I am not the only one who does this…






I’m notorious for it.  I get to the grocery, find myself asking, “Was there anything that I forgot to put on my list?” and inevitably end up in the baking aisle.  Something about the spices.  I apparently never, ever want to run out of cinnamon.  Or nutmeg.  Or cumin.  Or all of the others that you see above (though baking soda isn’t a spice, I know).

So now you know my spicy secret 🙂  Does anyone else do this?!

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7 thoughts on “A Spicy Secret

  1. Lol! Yes, mine is ginger, which is weird because I never really cook with it except for the very occasional gingerbread men!

  2. I do this all the time! Drives me nuts. Except I never have enough cumin. I have 2 and 3 partially used bottles of everything else, and none of cumin!

  3. I always do the opposite and end up not having the spice I need for a recipe. I like that yours are almost all different brands when you buy a duplicate! My mom does it with sour cream though….at any time she could have 5 tubs in the fridge. I guess you never know when you will have a sour cream emergency!

  4. I do that ALL THE TIME! The girls have gotten so they will stop me and say they think i already have _________ on the shelf. Paprika, brown sugar and cinnamon are mine. 🙂

  5. Yep! I have about four different containers of cinnamon and of basil in my spice cupboard….oh, and we have a spinning spice rack with it on there, too. Oops!

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