…is a long ways away from New Zealand. We are heading into winter!
View from one of our windows
Winter in New Zealand means many things to me. It means:
Cups of hot (decaf) tea with milk
Cups of hot cocoa (Cadbury brand, naturally – what else would I drink in NZ?!)
Raincoats and mudboots
Breaking out slippers made by my S-I-L Becca (she has more creative talent in her pinky finger than I have in my whole body)
Turning on space heaters (our home, like most, doesn’t have central heat or insulation)
But you know what makes this a particularly wonderful winter? I’ll give you a hint…
Me at 34 1/2 Weeks Pregnant
The best part of this winter is knowing that I’ll get to meet my sweet baby boy in about 3 1/2 – 5 1/2 weeks. It doesn’t get any more wonderful than that!

Yay! Congrats!
Can’t wait to see pictures of your sweet baby boy!!
Your winter baby will be a summer baby when you move back to the states! And I love that picture of the rain and Albert Park out your window!
Thank you!
Me too! I am technically working my last shift later this week, but have asked to keep coming in as I feel like it – I figured I might as well keep working while I feel up to it and save my maternity leave and annual leave till the very end 🙂 We’ll see!
Awww, thank you!
Hi! Just came across your blog googling “netflix in NZ.” 🙂 We moved here from the states (Utah) a little over a year ago and are living in Palmerston North — at least you are in Auckland!! It’s nice seeing that we’re not the only ones who “miss” things once in a while. New Zealand is beautiful and is starting to feel more like home, but there are just those few (many?) things that aren’t quite the same. 🙂 Congrats on the baby!
Hoooray for winter babies!! I can’t wait to hear the arrival of your little guy! 🙂 Hope you’re feeling good! Did you decide to take this last month off?
i’m so excited for you! it’s been great following you through your pregnancy and various decisions from midwives to nappies through your blog.
Ewww, milo! No way, ha ha!
You look great! Can’t wait for that little guy to arrive.
You’re adorable!!
You look so great! Nice to be in the home stretch 🙂
Yay can’t wait to meet him as well 🙂
P.S. Milo is better than Cadbury’s drinking chocolate!!