Hello my lovely readers! The weather in New England this weekend was gorgeous – sunny, clear, and 86 degrees 🙂 The only downside is that the upstairs of our townhouse was seriously hot that first night. I could definitely relate with the Jane Austen quote that hangs from our bathroom wall…
Chris and I took the Bear on a little walk Sunday afternoon (Bear’s feeling somewhat better, as you can see). Here’s some photos from our excursion…
I hope that all of you had a great weekend!

Cute sign…I’m def. digging this warmer weather now if I could only get a tan!
I’m so happy Bear is feeling better- I’m sure that when he was sick it was no fun for either one of you!!
The sign is so cute. I’m jealous of your weather, it’s been storming like crazy here! Enjoy it 🙂
The weather looked awesome…we just got teased with it a bit on Saturday and then it thunderstormed and was cold again yesterday. Bear looked like he had a blast!
Glad Bear is feeling better… I love the picture in the post below where he’s looking out the window… what cute fur baby!
What a pretty neighborhood!