
Surprise Gifts

I love it when Chris gives me presents. I don’t need to get presents, and really I don’t bug him about it or think that getting a present means that Chris loves me more than if he doesn’t give me one, but they are appreciated 🙂 Especially in cases where they are surprises.

I have to say that I am usually VERY good at guessing what is going on with Chris when it relates to surprises. I got our honeymoon location out of him (he was trying to discourage me and tell me not to get my hopes up, then said, “It is Spain, after all”) and have guessed several other things. I always do a victory cackle when I guess correctly. But Chris actually was able to surprise me yesterday with 2 very sweet, very thoughtful gifts. They were totally unexpected and “just because”. I love that. Also nice was the fact that he was able to purchase them using Amazon.com gift certificates that I “earned” by writing 6 travel reviews (each earning $10.00 apiece). That sweetens the deal, since we are on a budget 🙂

The first gift he gave me is a book by Philip Gulley entitled “For Everything a Season: Simple Musings on Living Well”. I really enjoy Philip Gulley books because they are simple, straightforward, humorous, and the author is a former Quaker pastor who lives in Indiana. You can read one story just before going to bed, because they are usually only 2-3 pages. They are all uplifting and leave you feeling good about the world and yourself. I like those kind of stories.

The other thing that Chris got for me is the Masterpiece Theater DVD of “Jane Eyre”. It was on TV a few months back for a couple of nights in a row, but I didn’t get to finish the whole thing (too busy, too long of a movie). So Chris, being the thoughtful husband, bought it for me! And since I love Charlotte Bronte’s stories (actually, all of the Bronte sisters’ stories, come to think of it), it will definitely be viewed many times.

Don’t I have a sweet husband? Thank you Chris!

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1 thought on “Surprise Gifts

  1. that is one sweet husband!!! Jane Eyre, still on hold from the library but my sister said it was great!! and how did you happen upon writing travel reviews????

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