Some of the other RNs were talking about how they hate being charge. I found myself saying that I actually liked it. They stood there, mouths agape, and I couldn’t help but laugh. I’m being honest – I have really enjoyed it. Jumping into the leadership position has helped me learn so much more than if I were just functioning as a staff nurse.
As I thought about this, I began to grow introspective. I realized how much I’ve changed since high school. It’s a lot. I was voted “Quietest Girl” (believe me, some of my closest HS friends are Erin over at Blue-Eyed Bride, Ms. Nonsense over at Preppy Nonsense, and Mrs. H over at Life on Janssen, and they can ALL verify this!). When I tell people that now, they don’t believe me. “Really, you? No way! You don’t seem quiet at all!” I’m still soft-spoken, which is a nice thing for a nurse, but when I say something, I mean it. Yes, it’s true – I’ve grown a backbone since my high school days 🙂
I won’t reminsce too much, because the husband and I are about to head out for a dinner date. I just wanted to share this with you, because I know that I’ve ranted and raved about how crazy things have been. Well my dears, it looks like things are beginning to turn up rosy 🙂
What are some of the ways that you think that you’ve changed since HS days?

Its hard to say… I think I'm really the same as I was in high school… maybe that's why I am a youth leader… I can still relate with them…But on that note – my faith is stronger & my relationship is closer to God than ever.
hope you & hubs enjoyed your date!
Gosh, I could write a BOOK on how much I have changed since high school…instead, I think I’ll just save it for a lengthier post on a day when creativity is lacking. I think the biggest change has been developing a much better sense of who I am and what I want. I’m a lot more comfortable in my own skin–heck, that’s even changed drastically since my college days! Great post, enjoy your weekend (and you fun dinner date tonight)!!!