This has been a week full of celebrity encounters for me!
First, I meet and sit next to two of the All Blacks while at church. And then today? Today, I spoke to The Nappy Lady.
Yes, The Nappy Lady.
For mums in the know in New Zealand, The Nappy Lady is the go-to woman for all things related to using cloth nappies {CN}. I’ve read her website, read her blog posts, and seen her interviews. This YouTube video was one of the reasons why I decided to do CNs:
{I love how she addresses the ringing phone, ha ha!}
So yeah, she’s kind of a big deal in my book 🙂
We have had a bit of a problem with our CNs lately. A problem, as in, we would put Joe to bed and within 20 minutes he was awake because he was soaked through. Unhappy Joe = unhappy momma = unhappy daddy. Something wasn’t right.
I have been pleased overall with our BumGenius and FuzziBunz nappies, but having them leak like that wasn’t going to work. Not at all. I had tried stripping the nappies {running them through a hot wash and rinse} to no avail, and decided to seek expert advice. Enter The Nappy Lady.
I headed to her website and re-read some of her pointers, but decided to shoot her an email. I filled out the contact form and sent it on its way, expecting to hear back maybe sometime within the week. After all, we’ve just come off a long holiday weekend and I imagined that The Nappy Lady’s emails had backed up.
A few short hours later, my phone rang. Joe was napping and I rushed to pick it up. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be Kate Meads, aka, The Nappy Lady! I was so surprised that she had called, and the first thought that ran through my head was, “This is such a New Zealand thing”. I know that I’ve had some bumps in adjusting to living in our adopted country, but one of the things that I love about living here is how the people are so down-to-earth. And here was Kate, calling me up to have a chat about cloth nappies.
We talked for about 5 minutes. She gave me some tips and pointers {turns out that I needed to do a wash with some baking soda and white vinegar, and do a bit of a scrub with some grease-cutting dish soap} and then she told me to give her a ring if I had any more questions.
I really appreciated the fact that she got back to me so quickly, and the fact that she took the time to call me meant a lot, in more ways than one. I followed her advice and I’m happy to report that our nappies are ship-shape and Joe is currently sound asleep and dry. All is well in the world 🙂
If you would like to read more about all of the benefits associated with using cloth nappies, then please check out The Nappy Lady’s website and watch some of her videos. You can also read some of my own experiences here and here, and definitely visit Brittany’s post for some incredibly well-written reasons on why using cloth is a manageable, economical option.

SO COOL! Man, I wish we had that kind of down-to-earth thing here:)
As for wetting at night, we had similar issues though ours weren’t right away but by morning, WHOA! She’d soak a bed. I’ve had to get creative, but I’ve made it work (hint: hemp and pre-folds, who would have thought?) I need to write a post about it.
Love it 🙂
that’s how we roll! 🙂 it is literally 2 degrees of separation here as well.