Hello my lovely readers! There’s a lot of traveling in our household these days. I’m working from 6p – 6:30a tonight, and then we’re catching a morning train to Chicago for a 3-day visit. I’m looking forward to fun, dining out, visiting some sights, and seeing family 🙂
I also just purchased plane tickets to Boston. I’ll be there for 3 days in March, which isn’t a long trip but long enough to see friends. I wanted to go back one more time before we make our big move in May. It’s such a fun place and there are so many things to see and do there. I’m really looking forward to it.
I hope that the remainder of your week flies by and is stress-free. Have a great weekend, too!
**PS – Be on the lookout for a giveaway from yours truly sometime next week!**

Aaak! Your big move is in MAY! I am so excited for you, and nervous, our move is only across country and isn’t until July and I’m pretty nervous for us… So I can’t imagine how you feel!
Have fun on your trip! I know it will be a nice little getaway from the rat race!
Have an amazing time in Chi-town!! It’s on my must-see travel list 🙂 p.s. We are all sweltering down here- it’s around 25C here in Aucks but is 100% humidity! uggh. It’s like walking round in a sauna.
Have SO much fun in Chicago!!!!
Have a fun and safe trip!