Hi Everyone! We’re back from Maine, and we had such a great, relaxing time. We stayed in a Marriott hotel using some of our Marriott points (sidenote: I think that Marriott has the best reward program, but that’s just me). Here’s some photos of our room…
Kitchen/Dining Area
Living Room Area
Some of you know that we don’t subscribe to any channels (we have nothing against TV – we just don’t watch it enough to want to pay for it). It was so weird to be able to watch shows! I guess going without makes you appreciate the simple things, such as watching a show in real time rather than getting the season on DVD 🙂
We got up Saturday morning and went into Freeport, Maine. I don’t know why I didn’t realize this, but Freeport is a HUGE shopping destination – Anne Klein, Banana Republic, LL Bean, Coach, and many more have shops along Main Street. We had fun walking around, in and out of the stores. Here’s Chris, driving the car on the way over there…
(Notice the plaid shirt? I thought it very appropriate for a weekend in Maine!)
Here’s some of the pretty scenery we passed by while on ME-136 (it was a bit overcast)…
Chris actually ended up buying more stuff than I did. He bought 2 whoopie pies from Wicked Whoopies (they were featured on Oprah a few years back). He ended up getting one of the whoop-de-doos…
…and one of the Chocolate Lover’s whoopie pies…
…but stopped short of getting one of the 5lb Jumbo Wicked Whoopies…
After all that chocolate, you’d think he’d be satisfied. And he was, until he saw that Harry & David was having a 50% off moving sale. I think he got 2 or 3 things from there, including their Moose Munch biscotti and some chocolate mousse. Why is it that he can eat junk like that and not gain an ounce, whereas I merely smell the stuff and gain 10 lbs? Enough already!
On the way back, he had to stop and get a “lobstah” (lobster) roll. It seemed like a pretty “Maine” thing to do. He wasn’t that impressed. I couldn’t tell if I was impressed or not, considering that he wolfed the whole thing down without giving me a bite! Seriously, about 6 steps away from the stand I said “Can I have a bite?” and I looked and saw he was dumping the cardboard tray in the garbage. 6 steps!
And what was my big purchase? A cookbook. I didn’t buy anything else, because the thought of having more stuff to pack and move within the next 2-3 months makes me shudder 🙂
All in all, it was a really fun trip. Now I’m all ready and excited to go on another weekend getaway! I hope that we’ll do at least 1 or 2 more before we move back to the Midwest.
Oh, and Bear had a fabulous time while we were away. When we dropped him off, we went back to the play area just to make sure he adjusted well. What a waste of time! Within seconds of dropping him into the little dogs play room, he was running around, chasing and being chased by all of his new four-legged friends. He even got some pampering-time while he was there, coming back all cute and groomed. See?
(Pay no mind to the moving boxes in the background)
I hope that all of you had as fun and as relaxing a weekend as we did 🙂 Have a great evening!
P.S. – I almost forgot the coolest part! On our way back to Massachusetts, I saw a moose! We were driving over a big bridge in Maine and I looked down at just the right moment to see a moose with his head sticking above the river water. Awesome! Chris was bummed that he didn’t see it, but that’s what you get for gobbling down an entire lobster roll without offering a bite to your wife! In Chris’ defense, he says that I never want bites of his food, which is usually true.

Bear looks so handsome…glad he enjoyed his time at doggie camp. And I’m glad you enjoyed your trip to Maine! it looked amazing.
Great pics.
After reading this I’m a little hungry 🙂
Sound like you had fun, Big Man is the same way, he demolishes food before I even get a chance to ask! 🙂
Love the photos and sounds like you guys had a great trip!