Help Wanted:
1. What kind of camera do you have? I have a great point-n-shoot DSLR, but I’m looking to increase my street cred by getting something with {gulp} interchangeable lenses. My friend Catherine has recommended a Canon Rebel. What are your thoughts? I also need lens recommendations – something that’s good all-around, but especially for photos of people/babies! I’d like to start out with one lens, then add to my collection as time goes on.
2. What are some online photography classes/tutorials? I can’t think of any other than The Pioneer Woman. My friend Catherine has volunteered to help me out, but I’d like to do some learning on my own, too. What do you recommend?
…and last but not least…
3. Where can I find cute drawer knobs? I’m looking for some for baby boy’s dresser. I’ve checked Restoration Hardware, but I like to shop around. I’m happy for suggestions within the States or NZ, but if it’s within the US then it needs to have online shopping. I was planning to check out Mitre 10 over here.

anthropologie has some cute ones … so does hobby lobby. That’s all I’ve got for now. 🙂
Aren’t projects fun?! And baby projects are SO much fun! I could easily drop $500 on artwork and decorations alone, but I’m trying to keep a handle on my wallet 🙂 Anthropologie has some really cute drawer pulls – I don’t want anything too cutesy or cartoonish – and I may have to stop by Absolutely Handles to check them out, too.
I think I’ll definitely get a Canon Rebel, as that seems to be what everyone is suggesting. Thanks for the class recommendation, too!
Thanks Miller 🙂 I’m really excited about taking some classes and learning more about it. Didn’t you take a class when you were back home on SSI? I mentioned that to Chris as a possibility when we go back for an extended family visit in the States, and thought that might be something I’d like to do as well.
I thought about that a few days back, because I know that you have some awesome photography skillz, but of course with pregnancy brain I completely forgot 🙂 Thanks for the reminder – I’ll be checking it out!
Thank you!
Oooh, good idea!
Thanks! I think that I’ll probably go with a Rebel of some sort, as that seems to be the overwhelming consensus 🙂 And thanks for the class recommendation – I’m excited to get my camera and start practicing away!
Oooh, thanks for the Anthropologie suggestion! I hadn’t thought of them, and they have some great drawer knobs (I think I’ll get some from there). And that’s a great deal on that camera package!
Thanks! They had some cute stuff 🙂
I have the Nikon D90 and love it, and the price has dropped since they introduced the D7000. For a lens I would DEFINITELY recommend the 50mm 1.8 (it comes in both Nikon or Canon). It’s inexpensive and will take great pictures of people and babies and give you a blurred background behind the subject. A great book to teach all the basics of photography is Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. I also took an online class, called Snapshots of a Good Life by Karen Russell that I highly recommend.
Oh, you’re working on some fun projects!
1) Both Danae and I have Canon Rebels and love them
2) I’ve used for design tutorials, but noticed they have some for photography as well. Some of them can be viewed without a membership:
3) If you’re looking for something special, Anthropologie has some amazing hardware! Otherwise, I’ve driven past a handle shop on this side of town called Absolutely Handles (not sure if they have anything good or not):
Come over to my blog and check out the “My Photography” section in the About Me tab! That should answer some of your questions!
#2) Here’s a site
This one isn’t cheap but she has some free classes, downloads, etc then when you get on the e-mail list she sends out $1 Wed specials. HTH.
No idea on the camera, but for the knobs, check Etsy. I saw quite a few cute ones on there when I couldn’t find what I wanted in stores. I actually ended up making my own though and I love them. Good luck!
REBEL XSi. I freaking love it. It is seriously lovely 🙂 And I like that it isn’t the lowest model, but also not nearly approaching the high end, either. I didn’t need anything fancy, but I did want something that I wouldn’t outgrow really fast, you know?
I really like the tutorials on Digital Photography School. {} There is everything from beginner tips to tips for pros. Composition and technique. It is easy to digest and understand.
I’m no help with any of these…but GOOD LUCK!
I have a Canon 50D…I love it. I got a really good deal on ebay from a seller in New York that does packaged deals. I got three lenses (a Tamron 75mm-300mm, a Canon 50mm, and a Tamron 28mm-80mm). They are all really nice and I use them all frequently. The 50mm is SO clear but I obviously can’t zoom with it, so that’s limiting sometimes. The deal also came with an adapter to load pics on to the computer, three filters, two different chargers, and a huge camera bag to carry it all around in. It ran right around $1000USD. I checked out the camera body and one lens on their own, and the cost was more or about the same, depending on the site, so the packaged deal was the way to go. As for online tutorials, I haven’t found too many, either. And check Anthropologie for knobs….they have a ton.
Check out World Market for drawer pulls. I was surprised to see they had them but they did have some cute ones.
I’ll have to check back and see what camera everybody suggests! I’ve been looking at the Canon Rebel XS