We’ve taken 2 significant steps towards our journey to New Zealand: (1) Chris finished and sent off his visa application a few days ago, and (2) I’ve registered for the required English competency exam for my NCNZ RN registration. Yay!
Chris sent his application first for several good, well thought out reasons – for starters, he’s what’s considered a highly valuable immigrant. He has a PhD, has good earning potential, and the clincher – he has a job offer. I’m considered to be a highly valuable or highly skilled immigrant, too, but since I haven’t applied for any jobs, I don’t have any job offers (makes sense!). Our thinking is that since Chris falls into this category, it’s likely that his paperwork will be processed without too much difficulty or delay (cross your fingers). Then, once his visa has been approved, I’ll submit my paperwork. Since most governments favor keeping spouses together, it’s likely that my paperwork will be approved without too much trouble (again, cross your fingers!!!).
The other reason why Chris is filling out and submitting his paperwork first is because it’s recommended that I obtain my NZ RN registration before filling out any immigration documentation. Translation: I am going to have a heck of a lot more paperwork and fees to pay than Chris will. Once I receive my NZ RN registration, I have to apply for my practicing (or “practising”) certificate. The big hurdle is the registration – it requires the aforementioned English competency exam, an extremely long application, certified copies of my marriage certificate, passport, and US RN licensure, transcripts, proof of having practiced as an RN, letters of recommendation (2 professional, 1 personal), and a boatload of other stuff that I won’t bore you with. All told, it’ll cost just under $1,000 to get my NZ RN paperwork completed. I’ve heard that once all of the necessary documentation has been received, it may take only 3 weeks for processing to take place. I’ve also heard nightmare stories of it taking 9 months, and I’m really, really hoping that this doesn’t happen in my case. So like I said, I’ve taken my first small step and registered for my English competency exam, which takes place on August 8th in Chicago, a mere 8 days after our arrival in Indiana.
I could use some encouragement about all of this. The paperwork is intimidating and confusing, and I’m worried about staying organized. We’ve thought about paying a visit to the local New Zealand honorary consul (an outpost of the embassy) in Chicago, and we may still do this before our big move. I’m concerned about getting everything done, and I keep thinking of all the possible negative outcomes. I need to stop doing this and trust that all things will come together for good.

One more thing – if you have any horror stories or bleak experiences about moving to New Zealand or to another country, please don’t share them with me right now. I don’t want to dictate or limit what you say, but I really don’t care to hear about all of the bad things that could happen – I’m having no trouble coming up with plenty of scenarios on my own!
Have a great Monday, everyone 🙂

I'm pretty new to your blog so I have a question.. Why are you moving to New Zealand? Do you guys have family out there? Or a job? Just wondering. I think it's awesome I've just never actually known anyone that moved to another country!! Good luck getting everything ready! I'm sure it's super overwhelming…
If while you're in Chicago you want a lunch/(very slow) running buddy, let me know! You sound very organized and practical, I know the paperwork is overwhelming, but you guys are getting a very good jump on it. Well done.
Best wishes for your move to Auckland. The paperwork is endless but worth it in the end if you complete everything thoroughly.
Sounds like you are headed in the right direction. Good luck!
I live in Christchurch, NZ and I can tell you it's a cold, wet winter this year.
There is no central heating. Each room is heated separately like in Japan. But if you rent/buy a new home, you should be sweet. But if you don't, you'll learn the art of layering 🙂
Gotta love red tape stuff huh! But at least you guys have started the ball rolling… and if i do say so myself, you will most likely love the laidback lifestyle here in NZ! We Kiwis work to live not live to work 🙂
Good luck with your move to Indiana too!
New Zealand?! That's SOOO exciting! I'll be sending you all sorts of positives vibes during your preparations! Best of Luck!
Try not to stress too much!
I bet everything will turn out great and you will love living there.
Best of luck. Your family is in my prayers.
Wow! Sounds very overwhelming. 🙁
This is an adventure! Wonderful things will happen!
You WILL do this! This all WILL happen! And you WILL Be in NZ!
I know it.
Good luck on getting the paperwork finished. I'm sure that everything will turn out great! What an exciting adventure you have to look forward to together!
The hardest part is getting the ball rolling. Now that you've both taken big steps in that direction you should have momentum on your side! Stay positive and things will work out the way they're supposed to 🙂
That's great that you both have gotten things started! Don't worry about the hurdles that you may come across. It will all work out! How exciting!!
Oh I can't even imagine how intimidating the process must be, but it has to feel good to get started!! I have my fingers crossed for you for an easy transition!
Everything will work out great! =]
One thing down and alot more to go…but it does feel good I bet to get the ball rolling.
Good luck with everything girl! 🙂
New Zealand will ROCK! I've always wanted to visit! We're big adventure seekers so I imagine we'd fit right in.
Glad to have a new follower 😉
We will be praying for you guys. I am sure you will do great on your test!