(1) I heard back from one of the DHBs {side note: a DHB is a District Health Board. Auckland has 3 DHBs, and each one oversees at least 1 hospital}. Things sound promising, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
(2) The advertisements in NZ are hilarious. Case in point?
Exhibit A – Seen while walking on Quay Street…
Advertisement for Barabra Cafe + Bar
Exhibit B – Seen while turning onto our hotel’s street off of Khyber Pass…
Advertisement for the NZ Listener Magazine
These definitely made me laugh {and take pictures}!

Bahaha! That George Clooney one is hysterical! I hope you tried that coffee:)
ahahaha…. I love those ads… I wish our ads were funnier! Glad to hear that things sound promising… have you eaten any new fantastic foods? When does Chris start his new job?
Yay for good news!!
And those signs are funny. Show us more as you see them!