I’m tired. I worked till midnight last night, and I’m up early this morning to go in and work a double: 7:30am – midnight. I’m glad that I have tomorrow off, but right now, what I really, really want is to be here…
I seriously cannot wait till our vacation – only 22 more days! It feels like our St. Thomas trip was years ago, not 5 months ago. I’m really looking forward to staying on Marco Island, FL. I’ve never been, but so long as there’s sunny weather, the ocean, gorgeous views, and cool, frosty, alcoholic beverages, then I’ll be a happy camper 🙂 We’re planning to do at least one sunset sail while we’re there, maybe more. I love being on the water, and I’m hoping we get a chance to do some snorkeling, too.
Have any of you ever been to Marco Island, FL? If so, do you have any suggestions for great places to visit, good spots to eat at, or good sailing companies?

My boyfriend has been pushing for a FL trip for YEARS! I may have to finally give in this fall. Looking forward to hearing about your trip. 🙂
I haven’t been there, but it sounds like it will be amazing! I hope your day goes by quickly for you! 🙂
Can you fit me in your suitcase?
That sounds amazing! I would love to get away for a while . . .
I feel the sme way…only 23 more days till my vacay too! 🙂
that was our go to family vacation spot for about 5 years. it was soo much fun. until it rainned. when it rains it pours. horrible. they have a lot stuff right on the beach that you can do (sea do, para sailing, deep sea fishing, things like that.
one of our favorite places that we had to visit every time we went was capt. brien’s seafood rest. that one is actually on the island. hope you guys can go to that one. good times. the shopping is not that bad either:)
aaahhh have a great timeeeeeeee i heard it was beautiful there!
sounds awesome
i haven’t been there but can’t wait to here all about it!