We spent a gorgeous Saturday morning at Cheltenham Beach in Devonport while celebrating the engagement of our good friend, A, to her fiance, F. They couldn’t have asked for more perfect weather.
We walked through Balmain Park to get to the beach. As soon as Joe saw the water, he took of running, full-tilt-boogie, and had to be intercepted before splashing straight into the waves.
A beach baby, for sure.
Afterward, it was off to home for nap-time (for Joe) and then to Botany Town Centre for a little shopping once he awoke.
Sunday was another full yet relaxing day. Church in the morning followed by morning tea after the service. Naps in the afternoon and a dip in our friend’s pool for a cool off. It was a HOT evening. But not too hot for homemade pizza…
This is probably one of my favorite pizza crust recipes. One mark in favor of the hot weather? The dough rises in less time than usual 🙂
Mondays gotten off to a really nice start. Joe’s little buddy, R, came for a visit this morning and they had a blast. It was nice to be able to sit back with a cup of tea, watching the two boys play together. Usually, Joe wants me to be the playmate, so thank-you R for taking over that role this morning 🙂
Things kept getting better. A little while after R went home, there was a knock at the door…
It was a courier delivery. I had a confused look on my face at first, but when I took it from the delivery man and saw the return address, I couldn’t help but grin: a surprise package for Joe from my sister Shelly and her family way out in Iowa!
Of course, the first thing that I pulled out of the box was definitely not for Joe, no matter how much he might enjoy them…
Sorry buddy, these are for Mom! Uh, I mean, for Mom and Dad (maybe)…
But there was more!
Are those what I think they are?!
Oh yes – more M&Ms. I ripped into this package about 45 seconds later.
Joe got a book, I got some aloe socks for my stinky pregnancy feet, and Chris got a gift, too, which I quite responsibly refrained from opening. It was such an unexpected and very bright spot in our day.
Tonight is my first prenatal fitness class. Fingers crossed that it goes well (and by that I mean that I hope I’m not the most out-of-shape person there)!

Hey Jenny,
Love your blog! Found your blog as I was looking into International Nursing. (Currently living in Florida.) I have loved reading your experiences. Brings back fond memories of my visit to NZ. My Mother-in-Law used to send us care packages from NZ….chocolate as well as Marmite. Loved the chocolate, but never acquired a taste for the Marmite. Glad you enjoyed your weekend! NZ is simply stunning.
What an awesome weekend! 🙂 Ya know, there are few things I love more than homemade pizza & pizza crust. Have you tried any spelt pizza dough? It’s by far my fave!
And hooray for surprise packages! 🙂
glad you had a great weekend too and sounds like a pretty good start to the week 🙂