What a nice weekend 🙂
Joe and I went to a nearby park on Friday morning and then I headed into work in the late afternoon. I’m going to need a new pair of work shoes soon:
I’ve owned these Murietta shoes by SoftWalk for the last 2.5 years and they’re starting to show their age. I love ’em, but it’s time to update.
It was nice to arrive home and find that the crock-pot dinner that I’d started earlier turned out to be a success. The kitchen was still a mess, but Chris kindly cleaned it up for me. What did I make? Crock pot spaghetti. Click on the image below for the link to the recipe (note: I think that next time, I’ll leave out the cream cheese, use more chicken or vegetable broth, and do a beef/lentil mix instead of strictly beef).
Later that night wasn’t so nice. Joe started crying and then full-on wailing around 11pm. This continued till 1am, despite all sorts of different interventions: too hot? too cold? thirsty? fevered? in need of a nappy change? in need of snuggles? I finally broke out the paracetamol (Tylenol) and after about 30 minutes, it did the trick. The likely cause was discovered the next morning – one serious case of nappy rash. How it can flare up like that so quickly is a mystery. Even when changing him in the middle of the night, there was only the merest hint of redness but, come morning, everything was bright red. I bought some medicated cream for the first time, but he’s still a bit sore, poor guy.
Saturday was pretty status-quo: Skyping with Joe’s grandparents to see the new Westie puppy (Joe can now say “puppy”), laundry, grocery shopping, and last but not least, “Les Miserables”. The movie didn’t premiere in New Zealand till last week, several weeks after being released in the States. I kept seeing so many rave reviews and was glad to finally have the chance to watch it.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! Sunday was spent at church in the morning with me working in the creche (nursery). I’m one of two creche coordinators for our church and realized that in the midst of our grocery shopping on Saturday, I’d forgotten to get some more disposable nappies for the church supply. Whoops. Have to add that to my list for this week. Chris had to leave early for church, as he was on set-up, but I let him have a bit of a lie-in that morning since he’d let me go out the night before. Joe was SO excited to discover that his daddy wasn’t at the office, he was still in bed!
Sunday afternoon was leftovers, naps, books, and Chris taking Joe out to the playground so that I could have a little time to myself. Very nice.
This week looks to be another busy one with various things on the calendar. I’m glad to have had a good weekend to start things off right 🙂 Hopefully you all had weekends that were equally nice!