Did any of you catch the Joaquin Pheonix interview on David Letterman last night? Hoooo boy! Things started out bad, then went downhill from there. I just have to ask, “What’s up, Joaquin?!”
**Apparently the clip’s been removed. If you didn’t get to see it, he was acting so bizarre. Chris and I were watching it and just kept saying “What the heck?!?!” Very weird. You might still be able to see it if you go to Yahoo.com’s Entertainment section**

Oh my gosh! I just saw it on cbs.com – dang! And boy, Letterman was brutal to him.
He is on so many drugs, it’s amazing!!! I also think this whole “I’m going to be a rap singer” thing is a joke. He is so weird!!!
I misunderstood the reports a few weeks ago and thought he wanted to quit acting to be a “rocker”, not a “rapper”! Um, either way, maybe he shouldn’t quit his day job.
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog! I had fun doing the V-day exchange and will probably sign up next year, too 🙂
Um, yeah. If you go to http://www.cbs.com the video clip is like right there on the main page. Seriously, so weird!
Oh man, I was too late. They took the video down from youtube! I wonder if I can find a clip on cbs.com.
I think the clip has been removed 🙁 I fell asleep before he came on – what happened?
I saw that… how bizarre!!! it cracked me up when David Letterman said, “Sorry you couldn’t be with us tonight”…