No babies were posed in the taking of this photo…
Joe is going through a bit of a spitting up phase.
Yes, that’s spit-up, not snot. Joe just happened to roll over in such a way that it looks as though it’s coming out of his nose, further adding to the “beauty” of this photograph. Perfect material for embarrassing him when he’s a teenager and brings home his prom date 😉
Joe doesn’t seem to be bothered by it…
Here’s hoping he comes out of it soon. Not sure our carpet {or my shoes} can handle much more!

Grody but funny, ah the life of a baby! He’ll appreciate this pic in 20 or 30 years at his wedding (how old is someone to get married when you’re a parent?!)
That’s cool, I didn’t know if it was a real place or not. Sometimes hard to know with fiction how much is true and how much is made up. Your complaints about finding reasonably-priced housing definitely came through in the book! 🙂
Yuck! I was eating breakfast!
As ICK as that might be, it’s mighty funny too. I am betting it’s funnier to me than it is to you, seeing as how I don’t have to clean it up. ☺
I’m just thankful that it’s not projectile-style!
Joe is so cute! We have been going through that phase…for most of Anika’s life!
I havent had the good sheets on my bed since she was born. BM throw up is oily and seems to stain! I have to soak ALL of her shirts. I keep thinking it will end soon, but now she wont sit still after eating, and the movement dosent help matters. I have talked to the Dr about it and she said it is just a “laundry issue” so I just keep on picking up spit up…or I let the dog get it off the floor 🙂 shhh
I haven’t read it, but I did do a quick search on Amazon and read the review. Funny that they mention the Chocolate Fish Cafe – I was just reading another blog where they visited there and had photos 🙂
I think Huggies baby wipes are the best for spit up! Cleans up and removes the smell. But I don’t know how hard or how expensive those are over there. 🙂 Did you read Sisterchicks Down Under by Robin Jones Gunn? I kept thinking of you while reading it.
Ick is right!! Yikes!! 🙂
Joe is the cutest little baby ever!!
We’re going through the same phase. I HATE IT. Thanks to the warm weather, she’s even getting what they call drool/milk rash because of it. I’m not a fan.
Haha this is hilarious! Definitely a keeper for when he is older 😉